
Located in Bedford Hills, NY, Touch of Glass Detail Studio is like no other car-care facility. Designed for every type of individual service, each area of the 10,000 sq ft facility is unique. To begin, every drop of water at Touch of Glass Studio goes through its own “detailing process” before it is ever used on your vehicle. Every drop is filtered for use in our wash area and recycled on-site. Water deionization also ensures that final rinsing leaves no possible contamination on your vehicle prior to other services.

Inside the fully porcelain tiled studio, the large central gallery is utilized for interior and exterior detailing services and ensures that your vehicle is always inside the facility from the moment it arrives. Adjacent to the gallery, three specially engineered work rooms feature recessed hydraulic floor lifts purposefully designed to accommodate any chassis type or lift points.

Purposefully Designed

Two “white” work rooms are utilized for paint protection film application. Each work room features 64 LED panels to provide the best possible lighting for the perfect ppf installation. They both also have micro-particle filtration and dedicated water and air systems.

The “black” work room was designed as the ultimate environment for paint correction. Featuring the same filtration and other systems found in the white rooms, the black room has 64 independent and directional LED lights and 67 overhead LED panels that can be controlled against the black walls to identify and correct even the slightest paint and surface imperfections.


Your car doesn’t have all the fun

As a client you will also enjoy the Touch of Glass Detail Studio Reception Area, Consultation Suite, and Lounge. Featuring a collection of nostalgic automotive art and with a unique aerial view down into the studio, the Lounge is the perfect space for a cup of coffee or espresso, a glass of wine, or a cold beverage while you discuss your passion for cars.

Touch of Glass Detail Studio is also monitored by a 24-hour security and surveillance system that gives the ultimate piece of mind and allows clients to view the studio any time they want.